Enviropigs were developed to eliminate the need for additional supplements or enzymes in the feed pigs consume and in an attempt to deal with excess phosphorus in pig manure. Scientists at the University of Guelph, Ontario are the ones who conducted research and created the enviropigs. In my opinion creating enviropigs was a good idea. These pigs may have many positive effects on society and the environment. Enviropigs will help to reduce the amounts of phosphorus in pig manure, helping to save ecosystems and reduce water pollution. The manure from normal pigs produces a buildup of phosphorus in the soil which may then be leached into tile drains, ponds, streams, rivers and lakes during spring thaws or heavy rainfalls. When this happens the high amounts of phosphorus help to create extensive algal growth (which can sometimes become toxic) in fresh water systems. This then leads to a reduction of oxygen in the water (anoxia) which kills fish and other aquatic creatures and creates water that is no longer suitable for consumption. With less water pollution from enviropigs manure there will be less of a chance of polluted water reaching our agriculture, tap water and any foods we consume. Enviropigs would help to reduce the amount of phosphorus in the manure that leads to these problems by 30% to 70% (depending on its age and diet). Enviropigs would also consume less feed and help to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. The enviropig is able to absorb more naturally created phosphorous from its feed so not only will there be less in its manure, but it will also require less supplements and extra enzymes in it's feed to give it what it requires. So this means that the enviropigs will require less food than other pigs. With less food being produced there will be less greenhouse gases emitted into the environment, helping to reduce things like the melting of the polar ice caps. A few negative effects of enviropigs on society and the environment include a possibility of creating large amounts of harmful wastes, a larger production of enviropigs than with other pigs which may lead to overcrowding, allergic reactions and new allergies and the possibility of the enviropig escaping and reproducing. Some ethical issues associated with the enviropig include animal welfare and treatment issues, labeling the product so consumers can make informed decisions, unintended effects on allergies and unforeseen health issues in the future. In the end there are more positive effects than negative and this is why I believe that creating enviropigs was a good idea.